Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Blue Light Of Rush Week

Okay folks this is something a bit different. This film that I watched is so " 80s slasher" that if you do not guess every single thing that will happen in this movie within the first three minutes, you need to watch more films. So instead of a review I have turned my perception of the film into a kind of limerick. I recommend watching the film first because this will literally tell you everything, so in other words there are spoilers ahead, spoilers for a thoroughly daft film ( which i still had loads of fun watching)


 Released 1989
Running time 1 hr 32 min
Rated M for occasional violence and sexual allusions.
Directed by: Bob Bralver
Starring: Dean Hamilton, Pamela Ludwig, Courtney Gebhart, Greg Allman and Roy Thinnes.

The Blue Light

“It’s killing time on campus”, says the tagline on the cover
With a terrible image of three characters next to each other,
The title “Rush week” splattered in the only  blood that’s found
Across any  pictures on the front or the back, just hanging around.

The movie starts with a pan shot of a building and another and another
With the actors names scrolling by, Greg in the sky! An Allman brother!
There’s Pamela Ludwig and Don grant and even a Mcguffin too
Horror synth music starts to play then everything turns blue.
Blue everything, everywhere, suddenly the music spikes!
Oh it’s just a tree, let’s get back to panning to see if something strikes.

Now we are in a building blue colour drowning all the light
There’s a lab, a corridor, An ominous clock! Not much of a fright.
Sudden rock music!  Shouts “Are you ready to party!”
Oh please god yes no more blue it was getting far too arty.
Band plays dressed in tribal gear
Dancers dack each other and everyone gives cheer
Outside a boring chick wearing  a neck sweater,
Establishes plot with a cute blonde we would like to know better.

“Complete animals” she says looking all superior now
Foreshadowing some conflict and I don’t really care how.
yay! back to wear the action is, “welcome to rush week!”
They are chanting Jeff or chug I cant quite tell, just let him speak.
Something about pledges, and fraternity and such
About embarrassing them and harassing them, not original much.
There’s a ceremonial axe, I’d keep an eye on that
And something called fright night, an event this movie will end at.

Big guy Jeff needs to take a walk outside
A “ nerdy girl” walking alone in the sudden blue light tide
A pair of legs is walking now, they smell of red herring
The girl approaches a building, I’m having difficulty in caring,
Sudden Boobs! Woke me straight up
Nudie photos, just filled my cup
Fat pervy guy wants to see some pink
“ at least I do for the money, not wack off material” I just spat my drink.

Posing with a corpse now
Really don’t know why or how
Perv gives her money with an axe on it ( see I told you to watch it)
He leaves her alone after getting angry, the room is dimly lit
Trench coat, feet slow walking
Sessions over! Lights out no more talking
Scream, axe, bringing it down
No blood just jump cut, made me frown

Guitar shredding! Priss gets coffee, Cafeteria chef is a sleaze
I’m not understanding this scene with a lot of ease.
There’s a douche bag yuppie and a bad gay joke
Felt bad for him until he spoke
Somehow this movie has turned into a bad frat flick
With a fake finger in his spaghetti that makes them laugh and makes him sick.
Big guy Jeff tries with boring girl, trying to make her swoon
She tells him no but he’s so dreamy, she’ll probably change her tune.
There in class now allowing the plot to divert
Every person who works for the college is a raging pervert.
There’s a cadaver, what a surprise it was all a prank
Im getting bored of all these frat boys my face is turning blank.

Boring chick is journalist, talking to The Dean,
Blah blah rush week is this ,rush week is that, he really isn’t mean
Talking about depravity, I suddenly pay attention
After a lame computer trick Toni realizes that he may have intentions
His daughter died one year ago at this very time
Well there’s a motive kiddies, he can jump in the red herring line.

There’s a weird scene with Greg Allman as a hippie teacher
Asses making asses of themselves, makes for tedious double feature.
Boring girl Toni decides to take the case
Dean assures her that missing girl was just displaced
She pulled the same stunt last year he says
Doesn’t seem to care at all with the coldness he displays.

Off to the party they go
More of the same on show.
But it’s ten dollars to watch or $20 to join in
These “sexual allusions” are surely beginning
Peeping in on a prostitute, the boys begin to stir
Just one more for the road, they somehow convince her.
They bring in a god damn dead body for her to pleasure
Such an awful thing to do just for frat boy leisure,
Unsurprisingly she runs away and Big guy jeff needs to “walk” somewhere
Shes running in a g string and I only slightly begin to care.

The Blue light shows up again and takes over
Pants and trench coat are walking through now, this time even slower. 
She’s giving us the fakest cry I have ever heard
And suddenly without even saying a word
Axe! Girl runs, she falls predictably
We see killer wear a mask conspicuously
Axe comes down, no blood again! I feel ripped off
A cat could scare me better with a well timed cough.

Someone warns Toni to back off or else with the lame computer trick
She suspects Big Guy Jeff now but he’s so dreamy he wouldn’t be so sick.
There are more pranks involving ruining peoples fun and sexual assault
Boring Girl Toni must steal information, which is totally not her fault.
Starts to unravel tediously obvious plot
Julie was stripping for money, Alma was a hooker it really isn’t a lot
She goes to science building and finds some blood
The music spikes to get us excited but then falls with a  thud.

Creepy janitor red herring, worst security guard ever
Big guy jeff waiting outside like a creep, not very clever.
Shes just a hooker he says, being a total prick
The movie looks like it is in black and white now, the blue is really thick.
Toni ignores everything that he says, starts to dig some more.
With the help of pseudo-science, she looks in the back door
Friends totally rat Jeff out on him acting all weird
But then the music tells us that the creepy chef is to be feared.
Toni works on her computer and it tell her that death purifies,
The phone rings and any suspense suddenly dies
Answer it for fuck sake!
Oh great they hung up, I blame you for how long you take.

Big guy jeff being all cute and sweet and completely unconvincing
So Toni tells him everything she’s found, which leaves me wincing.
Jeff looks disillusioned and they have the shortest dance in history
He has so many friends who care about him but he sits there in misery.
Toni agrees to help his friend find out what’s making him itch
But only through blackmail because she’s actually a cold hearted bitch.
Shock! He was dating the Dean’s daughter who totally got killed
Jeff asks her on a date and she obviously seems thrilled.

Terrible stock music shows such romantic things to set the mood
Marshmallows and driving and raining and jeff having a brood.
Kiss but then no and then proper kiss
She’s a terrible judge of character, with all the clues she dismissed.
She spoils the moment by asking about the dead chick
Honestly, what is wrong with you Toni, you are so aggravatingly thick.
Back at school now, sleazy photography found another girl
Giving his weird fetish boob/ corpse combination another whirl.
Oh wow it’s totally the sleazy chef, they are one and the same.
I was going to get excited but then I realized that’s super lame.

He leaves her high and dry as well and turns out all the lights.
She starts walking around the building for no damn reason, oh what delights.
She goes into a room and walks around slowly looking for nothing
And then is somehow surprised when she hears someone coming.
Axe! Mask! Scream! Chop
Cut away again, you crappy m rated flop!

Toni back to investigating. Finds out where chef lives
She breaks into his house with a credit card and where zero fucks give.
Obvious photo cut outs on the walls
Oh no chef’s home, so she goes ahead and falls.
She runs into the bathroom and hides in the bath
He takes a piss and I begin to laugh
He starts to get naked and she can’t take it anymore
She jumps and he falls onto the floor.
Toni in her infinite wisdom goes straight to the Dean,
Not to the police, cause that would be smart, she wants him to come clean.

It’s an isolated incident, he says being all weird and aggressive.
She shrugs it off and goes back to being intellectually regressive.
“ this is real life not some stupid horror movie” he yells
Never once setting off any warning bells.
It’s almost fright night and people are missing
Friends call them flakes, while they’re too busy kissing.
Getting ready for the party there is Freddy Kruger dressed up French (?)
Everyone is weird and cultish and there is a really cheesy stench.

An addition of a chainsaw guitar is literally the best thing in this by far
There’s a random Halloween party not on Halloween, pretty bizarre.
You have to protect ceremonial axe, someone tried to swipe it
Well obviously that’s going to fail whether or not they like it.
Toni goes and tries to catch killer, presumably
Jeff goes and tries to save her, predictably
He totally steals the axe as well
Toni tries to Call the Dean, bloody hell
He’s not at home, what a surprise
I’m thoroughly looking forward to her demise.

She’s in the building now walking around for no reason
She’s startled by a skeleton and then laughs, oh boy it’s stupid season.
Oh no the chef is coming, he could still be our guy
Someone cut the power, but she’ll still give the lifts a try.
The chef walks into another room. Sudden Axe!!
Oh goody! The only blood in the movie! Glorious head gash
Chef is dead, let’s put that red herring in the trash.
The GAE mess up Jeff’s room, they find pictures
Find newspaper clippings of murdered girls, and other such fixtures.
Pseudo-science girl uses computer to warn Toni,
The stupid power is meant to be out, this continuity can blow me.

I really really just want something to happen now.
I’ll flip out and throw the cover at the Tv, this I vow.
Oh wait there’s the axe, and she fucking dodges it, what!
No one else has been able to, this better be good for the plot.
She starts to run again, and waits for the god damn lift!
She has a spark of genius and goes for the stairs so swift.
The killer is somehow on level one ahead of her
So she goes into the basement, her logic is a blur
She makes noise like an idiot, doesn’t try to get out.
At this point my whisper has turned into a shout
Don’t tip over the spiders, oh my god you stupid clout.

Trying to be suspenseful with killer walking around basement
With Toni trying not to scream with inconvenient spider placement.
She gets out, *groan*
She goes to the furnace room ( wtff?) *moan*
The killer shows up and a there is a sudden guitar solo
Only a momentary distraction from how much this chase does blow.
Toni creeps up and hit the killer with some kind of tool
The mask falls off and it’s Jeff, she has been a fool!
But then the killer comes up (another one)
And tries to kill her, (confusing) oh what fun!
It’s Dean Grail (well Duh)
He needs to purify everyone, most obvious revelation by far.
They fight, she stabs him and apologizes to Jeff
Even though he was dressed as the killer for no reason and was obviously deaf.

The plot comes pouring out. Blah bah obsessed
Jeff needed to trap him (still confusing) to get him to confess.
Killer comes back again (duh) and Toni reaches for Axe
Jeff’s hanging back trying to relax
She chucks him the axe and without much force
Jeff cuts the Dean’s head off, just in time of course.
All their friends show up and go oh oohhh
They don’t know what is going on because they’re drunk and slow.

The new Dean (already) congratulates Jeff on murdering the old one
After all that they have been through how can they be having fun?
They joke about DBD being perfect gentlemen in their eyes
They do this weird wave goodbye, concealing all the lies.
The party starts again, everything as it should be,
No more blue light creeping up on me.
This movie ruined my brain

I don’t think I’ll go killing on campus again.

Taking revenge with the Necromancer

For the first video to be reviewed on this site I could have chosen worse than Necromancer I thought it would be hard to choose something from the piles of vhs tapes scattered around my house but I opened the cupboard and there is was, at the top of the pile just begging to be watched. I had never actually watched this film before so I mentioned to my husband that I was starting with this and his words were “It’s kind of confronting but ultimately hilarious” how am I supposed to review it better than that?
The best way to do this I believe is in sections, in the order of how I saw things, so…
The cover:

One of the main things I love about VHS and the VHS era are the covers. Most of the time they depicted an artistic rendition of the film’s theme and sometimes it was just a piece of artwork that looked cool that may or may not have anything to do with the movie. This one in particular grabbed my attention with its use of colour, the blue and the red are a nice compliment to each other and the dull tones of the blue and the dark shadows around the neck bring out the stark tones in the title and the red lips. A large amount of blank space is taken up a floating tag line and your attention is drawn to the bottom of the picture where a necklace links on with the title, pretty clever really. If you were judging this movie by the cover (which most of us VHS collectors do) you would assume that this movie is about some kind of mysterious seductress who commands the forces of darkness to exact her revenge through the power of a necklace. Unfortunately that synopsis would be incorrect.

 The back cover displays four seemingly nonviolent pictures, except for one of a young woman with hands covered in goo and a guy screaming either in pain or aggravation. There is also some kind of mystic woman ( does she own the necklace?) and the synopsis tells us that this movie is about a young woman who gets assaulted by some college idiots and in her desperation for revenge enlists the help of a demon conjuring gypsy woman to summon the powers to exact her revenge. Looks like this is going to be a barrel of laughs!

The trailers:
I pop the tape in, which is already rewound (thankyou previous viewer) and sit through the tediously long warning screen and wait for the coming attractions title to come up. This particular video was a treat, my favourite part about renting tapes was to watch the trailers at the beginning, they put a lot of effort into those trailers and a lot of the time they were better than the films themselves. I might have seen the movie I hired out a hundred times but I may not have seen their trailers with it. Most video had between five to eight trailers, this one has eighteen. 
 Let’s count

The gods must be crazy 2: played and then repeated the whole way through again straight afterward, I hate when they do that, I also hated this trailer. There’s funny slapstick and then there is I need to hide from the embarrassment of this movie slapstick.

Skin Deep:  Great movie with John Ritter. I really don’t need to say anymore, if you haven’t seen it watch it immediately.

Toxic Avenger pt. 2: It kept yelling at me that “you must see toxic avenger part 2!” I think it would be bad for my health to refuse.

Conspiracy: SUPER serious film about uptight British politicians embroiled in some sort of...scandal, I think.
Renegades: Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips, awesome. Enough said.

Thunder ground: Kickboxing hobo and his young hobo friend battle Jesse Ventura. Must find this.

Indio: Not sure what is going on but the trailer somehow shows the whole movie. Something about environmental warfare and explosions in the jungle.

Major league: I shouldn’t have to tell anyone anything about this one.

Say Anything: Or this John Cusack classic (swoon)

The last trailer was confusing, it started out as Aliens and then changed to Diehard with voiceover stating that they both smashed home video hire records and then stated that the next big thing is… The Abyss. Can’t really argue there I’m afraid, I love that movie.

After The film there were extended version of the trailers to Skin-deep, Toxic avenger 2, Renegades, Major League, Say Anything and The Gods Must Be Crazy 2 and they also fit in Silent Assassins with Sam Jones as well. I know I cheated because most of them were repeats, but I maintain that there was a hell of a lot of trailers on that video.

The Movie:
The Video, released in 1990 by CBS Fox Video, is in pretty good shape. The tape is undamaged and the cover has stickers all over it but it’s not ripped or torn and the box isn’t broken. The picture and sound quality was really good and my spiffy TV made it all look splendid. There were no tracking lines, skipping or sound loss, pretty impressive for an ex rental.

The film starts with the quintessential “I swear I’m a dorky guy, see look I’m wearing glasses and riding a bike please ignore my muscly physique” dude, spying around an old Gypsy’s house. Weird stereotypical gypsy lady (whose accent isn’t that unbelievable) is having an argument with a random lady about her hurting people, blah blah blah; gyspy kills her telekinetically with an axe. Seems like an awful lot of brain power to waste when you could simply pick up an axe with your hands and do it yourself but hey I suppose waving your arms around like a non-opposable Barbie is fun too.

“Dorky” guy witnesses the carnage and tries to stumble away; the gypsy lady sees him, acts all coy and then vanishes herself and his bike. Just to be a total bitch, she magically steals his bike. I know I’m going to have a good time when a movie makes me laugh within the first five minutes. The next scene introduces us to our protagonist, when I first saw her I thought she had kind of a Laura Palmer vibe going for her and then suddenly Russ Tamblyn shows up and I throw my hands in the air. He’s playing a creepy professor who takes advantage of his vulnerable students and gets them to do “breathing exercises” for him. I’d like to think that he didn’t type cast himself.

Some pretty awful stuff happens to this girl involving frat boy idiots breaking and entering to steal test results, just when you thought it was all just animal house antics and upbeat music, sudden rape. The stereotypes are everywhere, the impossibly narcissistic sociopath group leader, the best friend who isn’t really into it but is so co-dependent on his buddy he’ll do it just to get closer to him and the fat friend in the background who didn’t participate, felt super bad about it but did nothing so is equally guilty. Every single character does achingly stupid things. Not going to call the police? No good reason not to? Allow people to blackmail you with information that you freely tell multiple people? Decide to not tell your boyfriend anything about anything until he is a nervous wreck by the end of the film? Makes perfect sense. The only thing this movie did right was establish that once the other characters found out about what happened to her they didn’t give a single fuck about their grisly fate. If you’re a rapist or a rapist sympathizer you’re going to get your face ripped off by a demon. There was only one character who tried to use the whole situation to get what he wanted and then he ended up getting hell up his ass too.

The kills were okay, infrequent and somewhat lazy. 
The demon in question was title actress Elizabeth Kaitan (star of Slave girls from Beyond Infinity, awesome movie) but only in appearance. She would give them the come on and then we would see her eyes which had been coloured in bright green in Microsoft Paint. Her hands would get all goopy and she would do something off camera, they scream, next scene. No gore or blood effects. Kaitan’s sex appeal is there but if was paired with more vicious violence I think that this movie would be more well received. The fact that none of these dudes think that it’s odd that the girl that they wronged just shows up out of the blue and is all hot for it. They let her do her thing and look down at their crotch and BOOM demon face in their business. Are they really that hard up that they don’t question it when some naked lady appears in their shower inside a locked bathroom? Or when, you know, she starts growling.

As with most horror films they attempt to say something meaningful with their story. Although this is a very simplistic story of revenge and vulnerability if we wanted to dig deeper we could theorize that this film is about the process of a victim’s anger. The Gypsy woman vows to bestow upon Julie (Elizabeth Kaitan) the power to exact revenge on all who make her angry but the point is that a lot of her anger rises and deflates in stages. She doesn’t really want anyone to die, she just wants people to acknowledge what happened to her, for them to be punished and not ever do it again. The demon attacks wherever her anger is directed, first at those who wronged her, then to those who are closest to her who don’t fully understand what she going through, she tried to keep the beast away from them because she knows that they don’t deserve it so ultimately the last person attacked is herself. She must face her inner darkness to push past it and become whole again, without letting anyone get away with their wrong doings. Or it could have all just been a great excuse to see Elizabeth Kaitan in a teddy.

I enjoyed this movie quite a lot, it was stupid and the effects were bad. It had moments where it was being very serious and effectively not realising how silly it was being but the acting wasn’t terrible and the film was well paced. In the area of VHS trash pacing makes such a huge difference, when you are stuck in the middle of a film watching the insufferable teens walk around the woods shouting “Tommy! Tommy!” for fifteen minutes, you get so damn angry you just want to throw a shoe at your spiffy TV. This movie felt like 88 minutes, not drawn out and not rushed, it made me smile and I really can’t fault this movie for trying its hardest. The question I’m left with though is why the hell was it banned in Queensland Australia?

Welcome to a Vhs Obsession

Welcome cinefiles!

I am here to invade you with my all consuming love for the video era. The home video invasion was  the single greatest thing to happen to independent cinema, anybody could make a movie in the 80s and 90s and it could be complete trash but they would still market it right next to the golden blockbusters.

I'm not here to talk about the classics, I'm going to introduce to my favourite sub genre of VHS, random and obscure 80s trash. There will be horror, comedy, drama and action, you probably wont know any of the actors or the director but I dont care and neither will you.

I live for this shit and I'm literally doing this for fun, come along for the ride and you might find something you love.